The Institute's research activities consist of basic and applied research in the field of social and human sciences.
In the last few years, the Institute has been offering a wide range of lectures, workshops, courses and other kinds of training and awareness-raising activities aimed at various target groups.
Language services
The SLORI's Working group for the Slovene language offers a range of services including language consulting, training, proofreading and other types of linguistic support to the Slovene community in Italy.
Activities for students
One of the Institute's priorities is to promote research activities and professional training among the younger generations.

In evidence
Call for submissions 2024 / 2025
SLORI is pleased to announce a thesis competition for master’s and doctoral degrees theses. Four-year bachelor’s degrees theses can be submitted too, while Bologna first-cycle degrees will not be accepted. Candidates are invited to submit their theses which make a significant or original contribution to the understanding of the Slovene community in Italy, its social […]

Crossborder Conference on Needs and Good Practices in Multilingual Operation in Public Administration

Our projects

CrossTerm – Crossborder standardization of institutional terminology
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg VI-A Italy – Slovenia Programme.

Providing technical assistance to the Central Office for the Slovene Language of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region
Applied project

Working group for the Slovene language

Preparing the contents of the INVALSI national examinations in the Slovene language and translating the contents of the national examinations in Mathematics
Applied project, financed on commission

The SM(e)Jse Web Portal
Cooperative research project

PoMATURI – A research on the studies and employment of high-school graduates from Slovene-language schools in Italy
Cooperative research project

The Knowledge Bank
A programme coordinated by the Institute

EDUKA2 — A cross-border governance of education
A European project of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020