SLOVENE. The Slovene language in education in Italy

Norina Bogatec (ed.)
Mercator, Leewarden 2020

The international network Mercator-Education prepared an in-depth overview about the learning of minority languages in the Countries of the European Union with the serial publication of regional dossiers. The dossiers are summarized texts, offering basic information about the learning of minority languages through the learning programmes of each EU member Country. In 2004 the Slori researcher Norina Bogatec edited a publication, which studies in detail the school and educational system with Slovene as teaching language in Italy. A brief introduction, displaying some general data about the conditions and the use of the Slovene language in the Italian border belt, is followed by a detailed analyse of the pre-school, school, university and life-long educational system in Slovene. The final part offers to the reader a list of contacts and addresses of the main educational bodies and other institutions of the Slovene minority in Italy.

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