Tiha asimilacija – Psihološki vidiki nacionalnega odtujevanja/L’assimilazione silenziosa – Dinamica psicosociale dell’assimilazione etnica

Danilo Sedmak, Emidio Sussi
Trst, ZTT, 1983

By publishing this book the authors, researchers of ethnic sociology and psychology, first started a debate upon processes of assimilation in ethnically mixed and urbanized areas to which little attention had been paid in Italy. Basing their assumption on the modern theory of ethnic identification in a context of social modernization, on interviews about assimilation mechanisms in urban areas, on the relationship with the territory in suburban centres and on the degree of bilingualism and the presence of national symbolisms in Slovene schools, the authors have thoroughly analysed the role of identification and the processes of assimilation in different fields of socialization in Trieste and its province. Two supplements and an abstract in English are enclosed.

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