Teaching the Slovenian language in the FJK

Norina Bogatec

The data on schooling in Slovene in the RA FVG were taken from the complete survey Ethno-linguistic and socio-economic characteristics of the population in the area of settlement of Slovene people in Friuli Venezia Giulia, which SLORI is conducting in collaboration with the SWG agency.
The questionnaire was addressed to the persons residing in the 32 municipalities of FVG, which fall within the area of application of the provisions of the Protection Law 38/2001. The survey sample consisted of 2,500 people and was representative in terms of gender, age and number of people residing in each municipality.
For the present work we analysed the answers to the following three questions:
– Did you attend a Slovene school or the bilingual school in San Pietro al Natisone?
– Did the partner attend a Slovene school or the bilingual school in San Pietro al Natisone?
– Did your partner/child attend a Slovene school or bilingual school in San Pietro al Natisone?
Questions concerning education up to university level.

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