Šport in narodna identiteta Slovencev v Italiji. Pomen športa v njihovem življenju

Aldo Rupel (ur.)
Gorica, SLORI, 2006

The focus of the present research is the evaluation of the relationship between sports and identity in the area of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia, where Slovenes live, as physical culture is together with culture, politics, economy, publishing and of course education a strong and fundamental element in the national minority’s everyday life from the historical, organisational and quality point of view.  With a questionnaire the author wanted to find out, whether physical culture and sports really have that strong catalysing function which we assign them, and touch a series of other questions, interesting and useful besides the goal of the research. In the second part of the 2003 and in the first three months of the 2004, 626 subjects were interviewed in the entire area of the region, where Slovenes live.

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