Slovenci in Italijani v Laškem, medsebojno spoznavanje – Sloveni e italiani nel mandamento di Monfalcone, la reciproca conoscenza

Aldo Rupel
Gorica, SLORI, 2003

This volume reveals the results of the research carried out among the Slovene and Italian speaking populations in the area between Ronchi and Monfalcone, aimed at verifying the influence of the activity of Slovene associations in a wider field. The goals of the questionnaire were to define the level of reciprocal knowledge, the number of associations, to single out the obstacles and facilities present in society, and to gather personal data. The examination of the condition of interethnic relationships in the district of Monfalcone proposes to be useful to cultural and social representatives, as well as to the public administrators in favour of a better social cohesion between Slovenes and Italians.

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