Razvijanje medkulturne zmožnosti pri učiteljih in učencih / Lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale degli insegnanti e degli allievi

Moreno De Toni (editor)
SLORI, Società Filologica Friulana, Unione Italiana – Trst, Videm, Koper, 2013

The bilingual publication (SLO, IT) is part of the activities of the cross-border project EDUKA. It is composed of theme chapters on the cultural, ethnical and linguistic variety of our society and school. The publication focuses on the Slovenian and Italian space and on the development of the intercultural dialogue among majority, minority and migrant communities. The chapters are composed of two parts: the first, theoretical one, is dedicated to the teachers and contains the objectives, the theoretical base, advice for solving problems and literature for further work; the second one is a laboratory made of a worksheet on two pages to be copied and directly used for working with pupils in class.

The publication is available in Slovenian language and in Italian language

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