Prepletanja: a manual for cross-border intercultural education

Nives Zudič Antonič & Anja Zorman (editors)
Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, Koper, 2014

The manual entitled Prepletanja (Crossings) was designed as part of the Eduka project. Its main goal is to promote intercultural awareness, which is deemed to be an essential skill in our contemporary society at a time when various events, especially changes related to migrations, are leading a multicultural society. However, if we want to live in a truly intercultural society, we need to systematically promote intercultural awareness among children, starting from the very early stages of their development and continuing throughout their educational process. The main goal of intercultural education is to promote the peaceful coexistence of people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. These include people who have always lived in our region (indigenous and other ethnic groups), as well as people who have moved here only recently. Knowing, understanding and accepting those who are different from us enables us to perceive the presence of people from different cultures in the area where we live as an added value and a chance for continued personal growth. This is exactly the mission of this manual.


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