Krajevni leksikon Slovencev v Italiji – Topografski, zemljepisni, zgodovinski, kulturni, gospodarski in turistični podatki o krajih v Italiji, ki jih naseljujejo Slovenci, Prva knjiga – Tržaška pokrajina

Milan Bufon, Aleksej Kalc (ur.)
Trst, NŠK, ZTT, SLORI, 1990

This is the first of a series of three volumes in which geographical environment, historical events, social, economic and ethnic structure of settlements and centres, where Slovene national minority is present in Italy, will be presented in encyclopedic form and complete fashion. The first volume deals with the province of Trieste, especially with the urban agglomerate of Trieste, with its development and the role of the city in the process of transformation of minor centres. The book encyclopedically describes 80 settlements and 11 territorial units, contains 10 maps, 31 tables and 156 photographs. More than 150 people contributed to its writing.

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