Prva deželna konferenca o zaščiti slovenske jezikovne manjšine / Prima conferenza sulla tutela della minoranza linguistica slovena

Adriana Janežič, Štefan Čok
Deželni svet FJK, SLORI – Trst, 2013

The bilingual publication (eng. First regional conference on the Slovenian linguistic minority protection) contains the contributions for the First regional conference on the Slovenian linguistic minority protection, which was held in Gorizia in October 2012. The first part contains the introductory speeches of the Mayor of Gorizia Ettore Romoli, of the former president of the Regional council Maurizio Franz and of the former vice director of the regional Direction for culture, sports, international and EU relations Giuseppe Napoli. After these, SLORI collaborators’ reports and the contributions of representatives of several institutions who spoke during the morning session of the conference are presented. The last part contains the report of the former regional councillor for culture, international relations and local administrations Elio De Anna and several reference laws and other documents.

The publication is available in Slovenian language and in Italian langugae

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