Vzgajati k različnosti / Educare alla diversità

Norina Bogatec, Nives Zudič Antonič (editors)
Koper/Capodistria – Trst/Trieste, 2014

The bilingual scientific monography (eng. Educating to diversity) is the result of a research duty with the aim of delineating the professional profile of the teachers, understand linguistic, cultural and national characteristics of the pupils and their parents and verify the experiences and considerations of the three different surveyed groups on schooling in culturally and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms. The publication contains eight scientific papers.

The analysis included the population of pupils who were attending lower secondary schools in Italy and the last three years of primary schools in Slovenia in the school year 2012/2013.

The wide network of partners collaborating in the research has covered a wide cross-border area with different types of schools. Moreover, the theoretical starting points and the empirical methods used represent a varied scientific-methodological approach, which reflects the multidisciplinary composition of the research team. Sociological, anthropological and sociolinguistic aspects intertwine in the research, while quantitative and qualitative researchers mutually complete one another. The comparison of visions that authors have developed as members of the minority or majority community makes the research acquire an added value. 

The publication is available in Slovenian language and in Italian language

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