Dvojezični otrok: priročnik za starše / Il bambino bilingue: manualetto per i genitori

Suzana Pertot
SLORI, Zavod za slovensko izobraževanje, Trst, Špeter, 2004

The idea of this handbook arose from the issues and the topics developed by Suzana Pertot within the meetings with the parents of the pupils attending Slovene-language nursery schools in the Province of Trieste and the bilingual nursery school of San Pietro al Natisone. The authoress in a simple way examines the key phases and the dynamics of children’s language development, suggests the possible language strategies to be adopted by parents using two languages within the family domain, and gives advice to monolingual parents of children learning the second language at nursery school. The publication is enhanced by various cases of actual communicative situations collected by the author while observing the pupils at the nursery school, presented through strips drawn by Magda Starec Tavčar.











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