Translating and editing texts for the English publication on Slovenians in Italy

SLORI research project

Project co-financed by Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu
Project leaders: Norina Bogatec and Dr. Zaira Vidau
Project implementation period: 2018-2020

A new publication on Slovenes in Italy examines the dynamics of the development of the Slovenian national community in Italy after the fall of the Berlin Wall and Slovenia’s independence. The volume provides useful material on the Slovenian minority in all spheres of social life and in the context of cultural and socio-political developments along the border between Italy and Slovenia over the last twenty-five years. The interdisciplinary approach of the research work has allowed for a thorough and detailed analysis, based on a scientific and professional methodology and a rich bibliographic material. The work will be addressed to a wider audience and published according to market criteria. To this end, an editorial board was formed, composed of researchers from SLORI, INV (Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja), UP (Univerza na Primorskem) and the University of Udine, as well as experts in the field of journalism. The editorial work was conducted by SLORI researchers Norina Bogatec and Zaira Vidau. The authors of the articles are researchers, academics and experts in various disciplines, some of them representatives of communities with which Slovenes in Italy develop close cross-border and intercultural relations.

In 2017, the book Una comunità nel cuore dell’Europa. Gli sloveni in Italia dal crollo del Muro di Berlino alle sfide del terzo millennio was published by Carocci Editore, Rome, in cooperation with SLORI. In the same year, the Slovenian edition entitled Skupnost v središču Evrope: Slovenci v Italiji od padca Berlinskega zidu do izzivov tretjega tisočletja was published in cooperation with the publishing house Editoriale stampa triestina (ZTT-EST). The two books were presented at Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome, Trieste, Koper, Udine, Naples, Gorizia, Cividale del Friuli, Milan, Ljubljana and again in Rome, with great success.

In 2018 and 2019, the texts were translated and edited for publication in an English-language volume, which will be aimed at a wider international audience. What is missing in the contemporary international literature on minority issues is a comprehensive academic treatment of the problems of Slovenes in Italy, which should be accessible in English. The proceedings will be published in 2020 by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in cooperation with SLORI. The publication of the English version is co-financed by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad and in the World.

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