Training for radio programmers working at the Slovene-language radio station of the Italian National Broadcasting Company RAI

Commissioned training programme

Project commissioned by: RAI – Slovene-language programmes section
Project management: Dr Matejka Grgič
Lecturers: Dr Matejka Grgič, Martin Vrtačnik
Project implementation: 2018

The Slovene-language programme section at RAI commissioned SLORI to carry out a training programme aimed at radio programmers working at the Slovene-language radio station. The training was carried out in November and December 2018 and covered the following topics: instances of language contact, the influence of Italian on the Slovene language, Slovene standard pronunciation, language varieties. The training focused on the analysis of existing texts, which were chosen by the programmers themselves, and was carried out both in face-to-face sessions and in smaller groups. Participants were handed out training material which had been developed by the lecturers themselves.

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