The image of our child in the primary school, in the territory of Trieste

Pedo-epidemiologic research

Project promoter: dr. Danilo Sedmak
Project performer: dr. Breda Kozina, SLORI-Slovene research Institute
Project implementation period: 2004-2007

The project’s main method and content resource is the pedo-epidemiologic research, with the title »The image of our child«, carried out fifteen years ago under the mentorship of dr. Danilo Sedmak. The object of the research were children, attending the primary school with Slovene as teaching language in the territory of Trieste. Further, the research was extended also to other areas, where Slovene people live, in the mother country and behind the national borders.

This research project, carried out only among children attending the primary schools in the Province of Trieste, focuses on the education of the child, its upbringing, its physical and spiritual life, the various aspects of its life, the school system and the home environment, its predispositions, achievements and failures, and its free time. The aim of the research is to monitor the entire child’s home- and school life, or better what happens to it in 24 hours.

It is a pedo-epidemiologic research, analysing two key-aspects: the teacher and the child’s parents, that is the responsible and the active factors, affecting every day the personality of the child/pupil and its mind. Parents and teachers are both builders of child’s development, who unquestionably influence its development process.

The aim of the research is to analyse and get to know the child/pupil in its family and school environment, and to identify the elements, which affect its social, emotional and cognitive development.

The research was carried out with the help of two questionnaires: the first one dedicated to teachers, the second one to parents. The questionnaires were composed by closed-type questions, that is numeric and descriptive evaluation scales. The families were given the questionnaires both in Slovene and in Italian.

In the first phase the research and the questionnaires were presented to parents and teachers. Then it was the turn of the inquiry phase, which lasted during the whole school year 2004/05. The data collection was made by dr. Breda Kozina. The statistic data processing still has to be carried out, followed by the description and the publication of the results of the research.

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