Technical support in organizing the first regional conference on the protection of the Slovenian linguistic minority and elaboration of conference acts

Commissioned project

Project promoter: Regional Council of Friulia Venezia Giulia
Project performer: SLORI-Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut
Collaborators: Milan Bufon, Devan Jagodic, Adriana Janežič, Zaira Vidau, Emidij Susič, Ilaria Banchig, Štefan Čok
Project implementation period: 2012-2013

On October 13th, 2012, in Gorizia, the First Regional Conference on the Protection of the Slovenian Linguistic Minority took place, provided for by regional Law no. 26/2007. The Regional Council of FVG commissioned Slori the task to prepare five experts’ papers for the morning session: the introductory considerations (M. Bufon), a report on the general situation of the Slovenian minority in Region FVG (A. Janežič); a report on the use of Slovenian in the public administration (Z. Vidau); a report on the implementation of measures in favor of the Resian language and the linguistic varieties of Val Canale, Val del Torre and Valli del Natisone (Z. Vidau, I. Banchig); a presentation of the results of the research Perception and satisfaction degree of FVG inhabitants with Slovenian minority protection (E. Susič), and the final considerations (D. Jagodic). The contents of what is mentioned above are available in the web page

Slori was also commissioned the preparation of the bilingual publication of the conference acts. The Institute collected all the reports and contributions, had them translated from Slovenian into Italian and vice versa and took care of the graphic elaboration of the texts. The acts were edited by Adriana Janežič and Štefan Čok.

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