Survey on the situation of Slovenian enterprises in Trieste and Gorizia

Project promoter: SLORI
Project leader: Norina Bogatec
Project duration: January-December 2019

The survey is an integral part of the research project Stanje in perspektive slovenskega gospodarstva v Italiji (The state and prospects of the Slovene economy in Italy), carried out by SLORI and the Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation. SLORI conducted the survey in cooperation with the Slovenian Regional Economic Association (SDGZ) and the Farmers’ Union (KZ).
The purpose of the survey is to outline the situation of Slovenian companies in the Trieste and Gorizia areas, to highlight the problems they are facing and to find out what their expectations are for the future. The questionnaire was answered by owners or co-owners of companies, managers and freelancers. The contact details of the companies were obtained from the SDGZ and KZ lists and other sources (internet, acquaintances, etc.). Companies were selected in case the owner or co-owner was of Slovenian nationality. In 2019, 266 companies were interviewed, the data analysed and the results presented at a presentation in Opicina on 12 December.

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