Survey on Slovene sports in Italy, 2020

Collaborative research project

Project holder: Union of Slovene Sports Associations in Italy (ZSŠDI)
Methodological advice: SLORI
Responsible for SLORI: Norina Bogatec
Project duration: 2020–2021

The Union of Slovene Sports Associations in Italy (ZSŠDI) conducted its7th survey on Slovene sports in Italy in close cooperation with SLORI in order to provide a more scientific underpinning to the research it has conducted among its member associations for several years. The data collection process was based on existing questionnaires used in previous studies. These were expanded and updated with the help of researcher Norina Bogatec to include content related to school sports, which have undergone rapid development in recent years.  The aim of the 19-item questionnaire was to obtain general information about each club (name of the club, address, contact information, sports disciplines, sports facilities, composition of the main committee and its subcommittees), club activities (recreational activities for adults, children and youth, support membership, occasional competitive and recreational activities, collaboration with schools) and information about individual competitive sports within affiliated sports associations (competitions for members and youth, early youth activities – Mini U11, number of registered participants and non-participants, coaches). The results of the study were published in 2021.

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