Sports and spare time spending among students of schools with Slovenian as the teaching language in the Provinces of Trieste and Gorizia and among students of the bilingual multigrade school with Slo and Ita as teaching languages in San Pietro al Natisone

A research project in collaboration with the Association of Slovenian sports associations in Italy (Združenje slovenskih športnih društev v Italiji, ZSŠDI)

Project manager: Martin Maver (ZSŠDI)
Responsible for SLORI: Norina Bogatec
Project implementation period: 2014-2016
The aim of the questionnaire-based research was to understand the level and type of sports activity and of the way of spending spare time of pupils and students from schools with Slovenian as the teaching language in the Provinces of Trieste and Gorizia and in the bilingual multigrade school with Slovenian and Italian as teaching languages in San Pietro al Natisone. In the research, pupils of the last three years of primary schools and students of lower and higher level secondary schools participated. The questionnaires were distributed to 2.135 students and pupils. The results of the research are contained in the publication Šola, družina in zunajšolske dejavnosti (The school, the family and spare time activities), published by the Association of Slovenian sports associations in Italy (ZSŠDI) in collaboration with the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI).

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