Slovenian language lessons in the Italian first grade secondary school F. Rismondo in Trieste

Reaserch project in collaboration with the Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation

Project managers: Veronika Lokar (Libero and Zora Polojaz Foundation) and Norina Bogatec (SLORI)
Project implementation period: 2013-2017

The aim of the research is to understand how the pupils and their parents consider the experience of the first grade secondary school F. Rismondo in Trieste which, with lessons of Slovenian language, allows the discovery of the territory in all its linguistic and cultural dimensions. The project involves pupils attending lessons of Slovenian language and their parents. The following aspects are considered: the linguistic environment of the family, the linguistic habits of the pupils, the reasons for choosing the specific first grade secondary school, the reasons for choosing lessons of Slovenian language, the satisfaction with lessons of Slovenian language, difficulties in learning Slovenian, use of Slovenian outside the school environment, attention to the Slovenian language in the family environment and in both the narrow and wider living environment, the importance of language knowledge.

For collecting the data, two methods were used: a structured questionnaire for pupils of all three classes and a semi-structured interview for the parents. Questionnaire data was statistically elaborated and the texts of the individual interviews were analyzed from two viewpoints: the psychological and the sociological one. The aim was to study to which extent and how lessons of a minority language in a majority environment influence the parents and the growth of the person living this experience, as well as how this influences the development of the minority community.

Research was published in the book named Pouk slovenščine. Raziskava o poučevanju slovenščine na italijanski šoli v Trsu /A scuola di sloveno. Una ricerca sull’insegnamento dello sloveno in una scuola italiana di Trieste.

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