Project Let’s get to know each other (Spoznajmo se/Conosciamoci)

A research project financed by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia for Special projects

Project bearer: SLORI in collaboration with a network of schools: secondary schools Prešeren and Slomšek and the technical secondary school Deledda-Fabiani
Project manager: dr. Zaira Vidau.
Collaborator: dr. Štefan Čok
Project implementation period: 2015-2016

The project is the result of the collaboration between the Slovene Research Institute SLORI and a network of higher secondary schools with Slovenian as the teaching language in Trieste, namely the secondary schools »F. Prešeren« and »A. M. Slomšek« and the technical secondary school »G. Deledda-M. Fabiani«. The project aimed at improving mutual communication among students, enforcing collaboration between the Slovenian and Italian speaking community in Trieste, and at knowing each other as to remove historical and cultural stereotypes. In the coming school year, students will participate to monthly events such as meetings with researchers and experts on local historical and socio-political events, excursions in memory places in the province of Trieste, visits to Slovenian and Italian cultural institutions and workshops. The final meeting with the presentation of results is foreseen in May 2016.

In 2015 the introductory meeting took place in the Main Hall of Narodni dom in Trieste. Students had the chance to hear lectures by dr. Jože Pirjevec about the history of Trieste and of dr. Zaira Vidau on multi-cultural aspects in Trieste and on the Slovenian national community in Italy.

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