Knowledge bank: inventory and analysis of the scientific potential of the Slovenian national community in Italy

Research project presented to the Announcement of the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad of the Republic of Slovenia 2012

Project promoter: SLORI-Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut
Project performer: dr Maja Mezgec
Collaboration: Mateja Crismancich
Project implementation period: 2012-2013

The objective of the Knowledge Bank project is to contribute to the realization and strengthening of a common Slovenian cultural space in the scientific sector. In the first project phase, we proceeded to the inventory of the scientific potential (academics, researchers, PhD-s and PhD students) of the Slovenian national community in Italy, without differentiating by scientific field or current working place. Each researcher was administered two online questionnaires: one for gathering their personal data (including the permit for their publication) in order to create an online directory, and a web questionnaire for obtaining additional information regarding the composition of the intellectual potential of Slovenians in Italy, the level of interpersonal and inter-institutional communication and collaboration, considerations about the relations with the scientific and research environment in Slovenia, as well as about proposals on the most suitable ways for implementing a common Slovenian scientific space.
In the final phase, we prepared a research report. The online directory of researchers belonging to the Slovenian national community in Italy will be published shortly in a specific section of Slori’s web page.

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