Possible transport: for an independent mobility choice

Commissioned research

Project promoter: Province of Trieste, Committee for disabled people policies, Area Services to the community and the individual, Office for policies and projects for social promotion
Project performers: IRES FVG, Jacques Maritain Institute, Slori-Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut (Marianna Kosic)
Project implementation period: 2012

The aim of the project was to contribute to the independency level of people with special needs as to allow them to move more freely in their everyday life and for travelling. The research had two objectives: on one hand, to study the needs of potential users (weak-sighted and heavily disabled non-independent persons), and on the other to critically analyse the existing offer using the data gained by organising three focus groups and carrying out two in-depth interviews with users.
The project report is available on the web page of the Province of Trieste: http://www.provincia.trieste.it/opencms/export/sites/provincia-trieste/it/attivita-servizi/progetti-comunita/allegati/allegati_sociale/allegati-disabilita/Rapporto-di-analisi.pdf .

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