Research on the linguistic landscape in the settlement area of the Slovenian national community in Italy

A basic research project financed within the of Initiatives of special importance destined to the valorization of the historical and cultural heritage of the Slovenian minority (R.L. 26/2007, art. 18, par. 2, letter d – R.L. 6/2013, art. 6, par. 18 – 20)

Project holder: SLORI
Project manager: dr. Maja Mezgec
Project implementation period: 2014-2015

The basic objective of the research was to collect empirical data regarding the linguistic landscape in the Friuli Venezia Giulia areas in which the historical existence of the Slovenian national minority is officially recognized. In particular, the research aims at verifying the degree of visual presence of the Slovenian language (including the dialectal varieties) with respect to Italian, other regional languages recognized by the Law no. 482/1999 (Friulian, German) and to internationally widely affirmed languages (English). The secondary objective was to offer to those regional organs that are competent for linguistic policies ad linguistic planning information based on empirical findings. The tertiary objective was to compare the results of this research with those acquired in other multilingual environments as to define the level of vitality of the Slovenian language in the local environment compared to other minority languages.

In 2014 and 2015 we elaborated an original methodological model for the research, collected data on site, analyzed and interpreted them, prepared the final research report and presented in public (on 4th September in Trieste and on 26th November in San Pietro al Natisone).

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